Watch “what the health” documentary

THE, W. (2024). WHAT THE HEALTH Trailer – YouTube.

“What The Health” is an investigative documentary that opens the eyes wide to how businesses influence the nation’s health in the United States. It is surprising facts revealed by the filmmaker and entrepreneur Kip Anderson who leads the investigation in this film

“What The Health” is a documentary produced in 2017 by the creators of “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret”, the award-winning documentary which is worth watching. 

“What The Health” is directly linking some chronic diseases and non-ever-recovering health problems to the food business in America, especially to the animal meat-processing corporations, agribusiness, and pharmaceuticals businesses.

Kip Anderson, the filmmaker, conducts research and investigation through the leading health organizations in the nation. He aims to uncover the truth behind why such organizations stay silent towards unfaithful and deceiving food businesses and advertisements, which have, certainly, negative effects on American health.

With some help and guidance from well-recognized doctors and health advocates, Anderson in this documentary try to raise an important health-awakening alarm for everyone to watch what they actually eat and feed their loved ones. The film was clear that the American diet is overloaded with animal protein and full of processed all kinds of food which drag Americans to long life sickness of obesity, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and more chronic diseases.

This documentary also reveals the veil of corruption in the food system along with the food industry and corporations. Such corruption in the food system drags a big segment of people in the US to stay sick and unhealthy. This documentary highlights how some interest groups try to manipulate the roles in the American food system in their favor, forgetting all about the population, who suffer from such a game. 

The creators of this film try to give their audience an inspiring way of switching to different diets and fight-back for their health and life. They urge the audience to correct the missed system and start with themselves first. 

In conclusion, this documentary urges society to rethink everything they learn and are taught since they were young and try to connect the dots that link food and suggested diets by healthcare organizations, interest groups in the food business, the food system in the US, and the chronic diseases they have.


(2019). YouTube. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from

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